「藺草之鄉」拼成「軟網搖籃」 苗縣長盃軟網賽苑裡客庄國小首度奪冠
世界衛生組織以每年11月18日至11月24日為「世界抗生素週」,今(2024)年以「Educate. Advocate. Act now. (教育、提倡、立即行動)」為宣傳主題。為響應世界抗生素週,衛生局廖育瑋局長25日表示,嘉義市衛生局攜手陽明醫院及戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院共同倡議「四不一要,Here we go!」及「防疫一體(One Health)」觀念,提醒社會大眾重視抗生素抗藥性的問題。

The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.
Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.
This antenna's operating frequency has recently been increased to 60 GHz. The research process for the product line is still ongoing but is planned to be completed this year. To receive the most recent price and technical information on the new product, please contact us for more information.
Double Ridged Horn Antennas are suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, with applications:
- - Antenna measurement
- - Communication systems
- - Satellite tracking systems
- - Radar Detection System
- - Surveillance System
- - Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing (EMC test)
Recommended Accessories
- - Antenna Tripod: easy and fast-changing position. 100% stable after installing.
- - SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable
Learn More
The post 拒濫用抗生素共創好人生 籲民四不一要護健康 first appeared on 台灣捷報.
本文來自: https://n.yam.com/Article/20241125178611
Fei Teng Wireless Technology Co. Ltd
Taiwan Head Office & Manufacturer:
No.369, Sec. Litoushan, Wenshan Rd., Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County 305, Taiwan (R.O.C.) MAP
Tel: 886-3-5882899
Fax: 886-3-5882879