

  1. Zhao-Hong Tu and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “76 GHz Slot Antenna Array and Low-Index Metasurface in Multilayer PCB Technology,” submitted.

  2. Zhao-Hong Tu and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “A beamwidth-tunable Fabry-Perot cavity antenna for 77 GHz radar applications,” submitted.

  3. Prabir Garu, Zhao-Hong Tu, Sheng-Chun Tsao, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “A Semi-Open Substrate Integrated Horn Antenna with Dielectric Loading in 300 GHz Band,” submitted.

  4. Ching Li and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide Coupler and Transition Structure to WR-3 Waveguide,” submitted.

  5. Yu-Hsiang Wang, Yunshan Wang, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “A D-Band High-gain Low-Noise Amplifier with Transformer-Embedded Network Gmax-core in 40-nm CMOS,” accepted in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters.

  6. Zhao-Fa Chen, Zhao-Hong Tu, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” IEEE Access 12, 92169 (2024).

  7. Ching Li and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 66(1), e34021 (2024).

  8. Frank Y. Gao, Zhuquan Zhang, Zhiyuan Sun, Linda Ye, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Zi-Jie Liu, Joseph G. Checkelsky, Edoardo Baldini, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Science Advances 8(29), abp9076 (2022). (MIT News)

  9. Chu-Hsuan Lin and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” Micromachines, 13(6), 841 (2022).

  10. Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Benjamin K. Ofori-Okai, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Jingdi Zhang, Feng Jin, Wenbin Wu, Richard D. Averitt, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Physical Review Letters 123, 267201 (2019).

  11. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Frank Y. Gao, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Physical Review B 98, 134112 (2018).

  12. Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Taeho Shin, Johanna W. Wolfson, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Ilana J. Porter, Maria Kandyla, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Physical Review X 8, 031081 (2018).

  13. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Frank Y. Gao, Peter R. Poulin, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Applied Physics B 124, 93 (2018).

  14. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Frank Y. Gao, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” Physical Review B 96, 134302 (2017).

  15. Szu-Yu Lee, Yu-Hung Lai, Kai-Chih Huang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Tzu-Fang Tseng, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Scientific Reports 5, 15421 (2015).

  16. Ming-Rung Tsai, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Jau-Shiuh Chen, Yi-Shuan Sheen, Yi-Hua Liao, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(3), 036001 (2014).

  17. Yu-Hung Lai, Szu-Yu Lee, Chieh-Feng Chang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Optics Express 22(1), 525 (2014).

  18. Hsiang-Yu Chung, Wei-Cheng Kuo, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Che-Hang Yu, Shih-Hsuan Chia, Cheng-Yung Lin, Jie-Shin Chen, Huai-Jen Tsai, Andrey B. Fedotov, Anatoly A. Ivanov, Aleksei M. Zheltikov, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Optics Express 21(25), 31604 (2013).

  19. Wei-Cheng Kuo, Yuan-Ta Shih, Hsun-Chia Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Yi-Hua Liao, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Optics Express 21(24), 30007 (2013).


  1. Yu-Hsiang Huang, Wei Wang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Homer Chen, “Optical Interpolation For Light Field Display,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024.

  2. Tai-Ying Lin, Chih-Ting Lin, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Terahertz Imaging of PTFE Filter with Ammonium Salt Particles,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024.

  3. Prabir Garu, Chu-Hsuan Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “300 GHz Quasi-Yagi Antenna Array,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2024.

  4. Sheng-Chun Tsao and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “290 GHz Slot Antenna Array using PCB technology,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2024.

  5. Gong-Ru Lin, Szu-En Lai, You-Xin Wang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Yung-Hsuan Li, Yu-Sheng Liao, and Yu-Chieh Chi, “Frequency Stabilized 300-GHz Wireless Data Link with Self-Heterodyned Dual-Mode-Lasing DFBLD,” 2024 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Pisa, Italy, 2024.

  6. Prabir Garu, Zhao-Hong Tu, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2024.

  7. Yin-Han Cheng, Chao-Jia Liu, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2024. (Best Paper Award)

  8. Yin-Han Cheng, Kai-Chun Hu, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Glasgow, Scotland, 2024. (Travel Grant from NSTC)

  9. Zhao-Hong Tu, Pin-Feng Chen, Sung-Lin Ho, Min-Wei Li, Tsung-Wen Chiu, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2023.

  10. Yin-Han Cheng, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2023.

  11. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “An Optoelectronic Transmitter at 300 GHz,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 2023.

  12. Szu-En Lai, You-Xin Wang, Shih-Chang Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Gong-Ru Lin, Chih-Hsien Cheng, and Yong-Xuan Lee, “C-band Dual-Mode DFBLD for Heterodyned sub-THz Carrier Synthesis,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 2023.

  13. Zhao Hong Tu and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” 35th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 2023.

  14. Wei-Hung Chen, Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Jeng-Han Tsai, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Portland, USA, 2023.

  15. Yin-Han Cheng, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Low-Cost Flexible Thin-Film THz Polarizers Manufactured by Laser Micromachining,” Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan, 2023.

  16. S. W. Teitlebaum, J. Zhang, B. K. Ofori-Okai, V. Stoica, G. Zhang, G. De La Pena, Y.-H. Cheng, M. Trigo, K. A. Nelson, F. Zhang, WB Wu, R. D. Averitt, “Multimodal Studies of Photoinduced Metastable Phases: from THz to X-rays,” VII Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2022 Conference, Hersonissos, Greece, 2022.

  17. Frank Gao, Zhuquan Zhang, Linda Ye, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Zi-Jie Liu, Joseph Checkelsky, Edoardo Baldini, and Keith Nelson, “Single-shot real-time tracking of a light-induced metastable phase transition in an electronic crystal,” APS March Meeting, paper K70.00008, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., 2022.

  18. Chih-Han Lin, Ya-Po Yang, Jheng-Yu Lee, Jyhpyng Wang, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Construction of ultrafast CO2 laser amplifier pumped by 100 keV Electron beam,” Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.

  19. Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Keith A. Nelson, “Photoinduced phase transition in strained manganite films studied by ultrafast single-shot spectroscopy,” Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.

  20. Chu-Hsuan Lin and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “A 300 GHz Waveguide Bandpass Filter Design by Artificial Neural Network Modeling,” Taiwan Telecommunications Annual Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022. (Best Paper Award)

  21. Kuan-Yung Li and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “ ,” IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, Taiwan, 2021.

  22. Chih-Han Lin and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “A C-shape Laser Trim Pattern Optimization for Thick-film Resistors,” International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2021.

  23. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Design of filters and antennas at 300 GHz,” Taiwan Telecommunications Annual Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021. (Invited)

  24. Frank Y. Gao, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper M4B.34, Washington, D.C, U.S.A., 2020.

  25. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, and Keith A. Nelson, “Photoinduced phase transitions studied by ultrafast single-shot spectroscopy,” Gordon Research Conference: Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems, Lucca, Italy, 2020. (Travel Grant from MOST and GRC)

  26. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Terahertz applications and spectroscopy,” Taiwan Telecommunications Annual Symposium, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2020. (Invited)

  27. Benjamin Ofori-Okai, Samuel Teitelbaum, Zhijiang Chen, Jingdi Zhang, Adrien Descamps, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Lars Seipp, Xuelian Tan, Anthea Weinmann, Wenbin Wu, Richard Averitt, Keith Nelson and Siegfried Glenzer, “Dynamics of photoinduced irreversible processes studied with single-shot THz spectroscopy,” Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, paper Mo-B1-7, Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A., 2019.

  28. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Frank Y. Gao, and Keith A. Nelson, “Photoexcited dynamics in tellurium probed by coherent phonons,” APS March Meeting, paper T70.00134, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 2019.

  29. Frank Y. Gao, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Keith A. Nelson, “Caged Contact Pair Formation in Cooled Triiodide-Ethanol Solutions,” APS March Meeting, paper R32.00012, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 2019.

  30. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Jingdi Zhang, Feng Jin, Xuelian Tan, Wenbin Wu, Richard D. Averitt, and Keith A. Nelson, “Photoinduced Phase Transition in Strained Manganite Films Studied by Ultrafast Optical Single-shot Spectroscopy,” MRS Fall Meeting, paper CM04.05.05, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 2018.

  31. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Frank Y. Gao, and Keith A. Nelson, “ ,” International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper TUE.PO.1, Hamburg, Germany, 2018. (Travel Grant from PIER and MIT GSC)

  32. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Jingdi Zhang, Feng Jin, Xuelian Tan, Wenbin Wu, Richard D. Averitt, and Keith A. Nelson, “Single-shot study on photoinduced phase transition in strained manganite films,” Dynamic Quantum Matter, Entangled Orders and Quantum Criticality Workshop, Newport, RI, U.S.A., 2018.

  33. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Frank Y. Gao, Peter R. Poulin, and Keith A. Nelson, “Two-stage dual-beam noncollinear optical parametric amplifier,” Boston Photonics Conference, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 2018.

  34. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Yi Gao, and Keith Nelson, “ ,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), paper FTh3F.3, San Jose, CA, U.S.A., 2017.

  35. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Samuel Teitelbaum, and Keith Nelson, “Reversible Photo-induced Amorphization in Single-Crystal Tellurium,” The Boston Photonics Centennial Conference, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2017.

  36. Samuel Teitelbaum, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Ilana Porter, and Keith Nelson, “A photoinduced symmetric crystalline phase in bismuth,” Gordon Research Conference: Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems, Lucca, Italy, 2016.

  37. Yuan-Ta Shih, C.Y. Lin, Chien-Ming Lee, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Feng Lin, Ting-Fang Shih, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Grading the degree of epithelial dysplasia in oral precancerous lesions using third harmonic generation microscopy,” Focus On Microscopy Conference 2014, paper WE-MO2-PAR-B, Sydney, Australia, 2014.

  38. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Feng Lin, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Photonics West, paper 8577-25, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 2013. (Travel Grant from FAOS)

  39. Yu-Hung Lai, Chieh-Feng Chang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “ ,” Photonics West, paper 8581-98, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 2013.

  40. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Feng Lin, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Real-time video-rate harmonics-based optical biopsy system for early detection of oral cancer in vivo,” Proceeding of Biomedical Molecular Imaging 2012 and the Second Molecular Imaging Center Symposium, paper P-4, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.

  41. Szu-Yu Lee, Yu-Hung Lai, Chieh-Feng Chang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Two-photon photoacoustic microscopy based on loss modulation technique,” Proceeding of Biomedical Molecular Imaging 2012 and the Second Molecular Imaging Center Symposium, paper P-15, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2012. (Student Paper Award)

  42. Hsun-Chia Hsu, Sheng-Jie Lan, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Fu-Hsung Chang, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Resonance enhancement of third harmonic generation in biological lipids,” Proceeding of Biomedical Molecular Imaging 2012 and the Second Molecular Imaging Center Symposium, paper P-11, pp. 72, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.

  43. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Feng Lin, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Real-Time Video-Rate Harmonics-based Optical Biopsy System for Early Detection of Oral Cancer In Vivo,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference 2012, paper OF-FR-MD4-(1)-2, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012. (Student Paper Award)

  44. Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Chi-Kuang Sun, “High-speed real-time long-term image acquisition and storage system for 2D lissajous scanning laser microscopy,” Focus On Microscopy Conference 2012, paper P2-D, Singapore, 2012.

  45. Mu-Hao Wang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Guo-Dung Su, “Light Waveguide Display by using Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal,” International Photonics Conference 2011, paper G-FR-Ⅶ3-5, Tainan, Taiwan, 2011.

  46. Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Guo-Dung John Su, “Waveguide Type Linear Variable Optical Attenuator using Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal,” International Photonics Conference 2011, paper B-SA-Ⅱ7-5, Tainan, Taiwan, 2011.

  47. Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Guo-Dung John Su, “ ,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, paper 811414, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 2011. (SPIE Newsroom)

  48. Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Guo-Dung John Su, “Polymeric Array Waveguide as a Back Light Unit,” 2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan, paper OPT7-P-003, Tainan, Taiwan, 2010.


  1. 鄭宇翔,「太赫茲元件開發設計理論及實務」,113年5G產業人才技術工作坊。

  2. 鄭宇翔,「300GHz天線設計與量測」,臺灣電磁產學聯盟2024年第2次研發半年報。

  3. 鄭宇翔,「300GHz天線設計與量測」,6G晶片整合系統標準檢測與驗證計畫測試規範草案。

  4. Prabir Garu and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Design and optimization of end-fire antenna using CST,” 2024達梭系統SIMULIA臺灣用戶大會.(優秀創新論文獎第二名)

  5. 鄭宇翔,「光學元件的特性與應用」,2024光世代實驗技術預備學校。

  6. 王仲昀、鄭宇翔,「氣流攝影」,2024台大電機營。

  7. 王仲昀、鄭宇翔,「氣流攝影」,2024光電學會暑期光電營。

  8. 鄭宇翔,「全像片」,2024光電學會暑期光電營。

  9. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “300 GHz Antenna Designs and Measurements,” Chalmers University of Technology, 2024.

  10. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “300 GHz Antenna Designs and Measurements,” University of Oulu, 2024.

  11. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “300 GHz Antenna Designs and Measurements,” KTH, 2024.

  12. 鄭宇翔,「單脈衝激發探測光譜學」,161期光學工程季刊。

  13. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Permittivity Measurement of PCB Materials using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy,” Institute and Undergraduate Program of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University, 2024

  14. Yu-Hsiang Cheng “Antenna measurement systems at 300 GHz” NTU GICE Newsletter 15(1), 2024.

  15. 鄭宇翔,「次太赫茲頻段無線通信」,6G潛力技術白皮書。

  16. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “THz filters and couplers fabricated by laser machining and photolithography,” NTHU iNEMS seminar, 2023

  17. Chih-Han Lin and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Measurement of antenna radiation pattern at 300 GHz,” Thailand-Taiwan Electromagnetic Workshop, 2023.

  18. Yin-Han Cheng, Chih-Han Lin, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Permittivity Measurement of PCB Materials using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy,” Thailand-Taiwan Electromagnetic Workshop, 2023.

  19. Zhao Hong Tu and Yu-Hsiang Cheng “Application of metamaterials for automotive radars,” 2023臺大系統晶片中心第四次研發季報。

  20. 鄭宇翔,「刮痕全像片」,2023台大光電營。

  21. 鄭宇翔,「光學元件的特性與應用」,2023光世代實驗技術預備學校。

  22. 鄭宇翔,「天線」,2023臺北業餘無線電特展。

  23. Jin-Hung Li and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “SU-8 Terahertz Waveguide Bandpass Filter and Diplexer,” 台大奈米機電系統研究中心使用者大會。(Best Poster Award)

  24. 鄭宇翔,「光電整合之太赫茲發射模組」,2023臺大系統晶片中心第一次研發季報。

  25. Ching Li and Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Terahertz couplers fabricated by CNC and laser machining,” 2023臺大系統晶片中心第一次研發季報。

  26. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Design of passive components at 300 GHz,” SSF Sweden-Taiwan Collaborative Research Annual meeting, 2023.

  27. 李冠勇、鄭宇翔,「太赫茲波導轉電路板結構」,2022臺大系統晶片中心第四次研發季報。

  28. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “5G and beyond,” International Distinguished Lecture Series at EECS, 2022.

  29. 鄭宇翔,「橘子」,台大電機藝術展。

  30. 鄭宇翔,「全像片拍攝實作」,2022台大光電營。

  31. 鄭宇翔,「光學元件的特性與應用」,2022光世代實驗技術預備學校。

  32. 鄭宇翔,「全像片」,2022台大電機營。

  33. 鄭宇翔,「My life at MIT」,電機系聯合導生聚會。

  34. 鄭宇翔,“THz technology for imaging and sensing applications”,2021臺大系統晶片中心第四次研發季報。

  35. 鄭宇翔,「太赫茲濾波器與天線」,臺灣電磁產學聯盟2021年第2次研發半年報。

  36. 鄭宇翔,「光學元件的特性與應用」,2021光世代實驗技術預備學校。

  37. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Ultrafast single-shot terahertz and optical spectroscopy,” Department of Optoelectronics and Materials Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2021.

  38. Yu-Hsiang Cheng “Design of filters and antennas at 300 GHz” NTU GICE Newsletter 11(4), 2020.

    The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

    Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.

    This antenna's operating frequency has recently been increased to 60 GHz. The research process for the product line is still ongoing but is planned to be completed this year. To receive the most recent price and technical information on the new product, please contact us for more information.

    Double Ridged Horn Antennas are suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, with applications:

    • - Antenna measurement
    • - Communication systems
    • - Satellite tracking systems
    • - Radar Detection System
    • - Surveillance System
    • - Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing (EMC test)

    Recommended Accessories

    • Antenna Tripod: easy and fast-changing position. 100% stable after installing.
    • SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable

    Learn More 


  39. 鄭宇翔,「光學元件的特性與應用」,2020光世代實驗技術預備學校。

  40. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Ultrafast single-shot terahertz and optical spectroscopy,” Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, 2020.

  41. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Ultrafast single-shot terahertz and optical spectroscopy,” Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, National Taiwan University, 2020.

  42. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Photoinduced Dynamics Studied by Ultrafast Single-Shot Pump-Probe Spectroscopy,” Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2020.

  43. 鄭宇翔,「單脈衝太赫茲光譜學」,亞洲太赫茲產業發展協會,2019。(太赫茲季刊7)

  44. 鄭宇翔,「超快光學與應用」,高中物理科學人才培育計畫,2019。

  45. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Introduction to Terahertz Spectroscopy,” Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2019.

  46. Yu-Hsiang Cheng, “Photoinduced Dynamics Studied by Ultrafast Single-Shot Pump-Probe Spectroscopy,” Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, 2019.

    Double-Ridged Horn Antenna
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    Double-Ridged Horn Antenna

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