【明揚惡火是人禍1】原料廠房延燒28小時 明揚消防安檢申報無缺失藏黑幕 - 鏡週刊

  1. 【明揚惡火是人禍1】原料廠房延燒28小時 明揚消防安檢申報無缺失藏黑幕  鏡週刊
  2. 明揚大火捐款突破四千萬 善款使用有三方向  Yahoo
  3. 明揚冒黑煙!搜救一度喊停消防員CO2過高送醫|三立新聞網SETN.com  三立新聞網SETN
  4. 吳崑玉:別苛責消防人員最大禍首是工廠老闆與管理者--上報  上報
  5. 明揚女主管聽警報逃出 拍照報平安突失聯…親友淚:折回公司工作殞命  Yahoo

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中秋連假「首波東北季風」報到 2地區轉涼降雨!專家曝:未來恐迎3、4個颱風 - Yahoo

The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.


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殉職4勇消撫卹金2783萬至2897萬不等縣府爭取入祀忠烈祠- 社會 - 自由時報

  1. 殉職4勇消撫卹金2783萬至2897萬不等縣府爭取入祀忠烈祠- 社會  自由時報
  2. 屏東爆炸 殉職勇消估可領逾2000萬撫卹金  Yahoo奇摩新聞
  3. 翻賴清德2句名言... 游淑慧:這就是賴清德對警消醫護心態  聯合新聞網
  4. 倖存小隊長多次痛哭「只有我活下來」恐「罹創傷症候群」:暫停探視- 社會  中時新聞網 Chinatimes.com
  5. 賴清德向屏東氣爆救災英雄上香並慰問家屬  自由時報

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高以翔39歲冥誕!陳建州官司纏身也來了 「墓園溫馨景象」惹哭網 - Yahoo奇摩新聞

The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.


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The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.


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The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.


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The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.


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獨家》錢康明今赴竹市府政風處訪談 花7小時詳述爭議事件 - 自由時報

  1. 獨家》錢康明今赴竹市府政風處訪談 花7小時詳述爭議事件  自由時報
  2. 綠批高虹安避重就輕 白籲J先生拿捏分寸  Yahoo奇摩新聞
  3. 錢康明今赴竹市府政風處接受訪談 肯定高虹安態度轉變  聯合新聞網
  4. 遭控與廠商過從甚密 錢康明︰若違法歡迎提告  自由時報
  5. 錢康明開撕「高虹安準備好反擊了!」 吳子嘉吐驚人內幕  Yahoo奇摩新聞

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謝祖武帥兒脫口3字!鄭元暢氣到無語 「尷尬表情」全被攝│TVBS新聞網 - TVBS

  1. 謝祖武帥兒脫口3字!鄭元暢氣到無語 「尷尬表情」全被攝│TVBS新聞網  TVBS
  2. 謝祖武帥兒脫口3字!鄭元暢氣到無語 「尷尬表情」全被攝  Yahoo奇摩新聞
  3. 挑戰溫馨家庭喜劇! 林心如擔綱製作人邀大咖演出|華視新聞20230913  華視新聞 CH52
  4. 林心如鬆口《有生之年》選角秘辛!被楊貴媚炸氣質問「這句」│TVBS新聞網  TVBS
  5. 單親家庭長大!吳慷仁罕見曝「家人分崩離析」心聲:媽媽看八卦很擔心  三立新聞網
  6. 前往 Google 新聞查看完整報導

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MLB/歐森雙響達陣50轟本季第一人 大谷養傷期8場炸6轟 - 聯合新聞網

The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.


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