分析藍白合共識 矢板明夫:中共整合在野力量、置入親中政策 - 自由時報

  1. 分析藍白合共識 矢板明夫:中共整合在野力量、置入親中政策  自由時報
  2. [一刀未剪]管不住嘴恐惹大禍! 柯文哲自爆AIT致電關切中共介選賴清德稱"美國有證據才會行動"嗆柯文哲毫無外交訓練不分區派系不滿? 賴:只有為國選才|【焦點人物大現場】20231116|三立新聞台  三立LIVE新聞
  3. 專論》藍併白了中國共產黨百分之百介入台灣大選! | Newtalk討論區  Newtalk新聞
  4. 柯稱被關切中國有無介入藍白合 AIT︰美反介選 也不選邊站  自由時報
  5. 陳嘉宏專欄:中共介選是現在進行式--上報  上報
  6. 前往 Google 新聞查看完整報導

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" ] } } 林業保育署舉辦辦理「里山森遊會」 18日攀樹壓軸上場 | 蕃新聞

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白宮:以色列同意每天暫停加薩北部軍事行動4小時讓平民撤離| 國際 - 中央社即時新聞

  1. 白宮:以色列同意每天暫停加薩北部軍事行動4小時讓平民撤離| 國際  中央社即時新聞
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南韓大師賽》4強大戰前球王桃田賢斗! 中國好手絕讚:非常強的對手 - 自由時報

The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.


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研究:施打流感疫苗不只預防流感還可「保護心臟和大腦」 - Yahoo奇摩新聞

研究:施打流感疫苗不只預防流感還可「保護心臟和大腦」  Yahoo奇摩新聞前往 Google 新聞查看完整報導


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The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.

Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.


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" ] } } 慈航濟世宣揚全球 長和宮第一屆全國媽祖繪畫競賽頒獎 | 蕃新聞

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" ] } } 收賄護航得標 內政部國署南區分署公務員羈押 | 蕃新聞

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Biden to Issue First Regulations on Artificial Intelligence Systems - The New York Times

  1. Biden to Issue First Regulations on Artificial Intelligence Systems  The New York Times
  2. Biden to sign sweeping artificial intelligence executive order  The Washington Post
  3. Biden unveils U.S. government's first-ever AI executive order  CNBC
  4. White House tackles artificial intelligence with new executive order  CNN
  5. White House unveils wide-ranging action to mitigate AI risks  Yahoo Finance

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劉福助糗大!滿臉驚嚇錯過高鐵 陳美鳳狂拍窗全說了 - 自由娛樂

  1. 劉福助糗大!滿臉驚嚇錯過高鐵 陳美鳳狂拍窗全說了  自由娛樂
  2. 劉福助朝聖高雄草蜢爆高鐵意外 陳美鳳全程目睹嚇瘋!  噓!星聞
  3. 草蜢時隔30年登高雄開唱! 超多大咖都來了  Yahoo奇摩新聞
  4. 「嘻哈鼻祖」朝聖草蜢突出狀況! 陳美鳳還原過程:他一臉驚嚇  ETtoday星光雲
  5. 噴淚!草蜢約定台灣歌迷唱到100歲安可唱到全哭了- 自由娛樂  自由娛樂

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